
Wednesday 5 December 2012

7 Tips to Improve your SEO in 2012

Search Engine Optimization is perhaps the most necessary activity that an online businessman or blogger indulges in. New online businessmen or bloggers will require promoting their website or blog to the optimum level to improve its reach in the internet.How can one expect a brand new website or blog to reach the top of Google search lists without any publicity or instigation? Google ranks websites on the basis of the traffic and several other credentials. On this foundation, the ranks have been set for each website which ultimately determines the order in which they appear in the Google search list.

Let us enumerate the Top 7 tips to improve your SEO in 2012.

The number one tip would be to generate search engine friendly URLs for your blog or website. For example, search engines generally reject URLs with a “?” tag. Always make sure that your pages don’t have such unfriendly attributes.

The second tip would be to do ample research on keywords before deciding upon the keyword that you will be using to do SEO on your website. SEO in 2012 demands you to understand and study the context of the keywords which will form the identity of your website or blog. Keyword research involves discovering and zeroing in on the exact keyword that your customers shall be searching for in a search engine like Google.

The third significant tip is to set up a sitemap for your website which will direct search engines on where to traverse through in your website, rather than wasting time on nofollow, noindex pages. In short, presence of a sitemap will enable search engines to find the right pages in your website.

The fourth relevant strategy to improve SEO in 2012 would be to generate high quality backlinks for your website. Quality backlinks can be generated by various procedures such as blog posting, activity in forums, registering your site in web directories, and many such manual methods. It is also useful to enhance quality backlink generation by using the services of a diligent backlink generation tool like our top in industry
SEO Resurrection.

The fifth tip to improve SEO in 2012 is by assuring that the content of your website in unique and informative. Plagiarism is a serious no-no in the internet domain as there are so many creative people around and it is very simple to track down a copy of content. So, if your website’s content is good enough, one way or other you will get good traffic. The promotional activities will be nothing but the cherry on the cake.

The sixth tip would be to get your website get social bookmarked. This is a method with which the users of internet can search, organize, store, and view various bookmarks of the web pages in the internet. The process of saving bookmarks to public websites along with the provision of tagging keywords is widely practiced.

The seventh and the last technique to improve SEO in 2012 is the right composition of meta-description tags for your website or blog. Meta description tags might not be that significant in Google rankings but it is certainly of good value in bringing out quality Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Google, in fact, carefully analyses the meta-description tags for your website. It is always recommended to have a well-structured, and keyword rich meta-description tag for your website!

Having discussed all possible tips for SEO in 2012, it is important to have ample knowledge about how the search engines work in favor of your website. Do your research, analyse the dos and don’ts and ultimately it will fetch you high visibility for your website and hence a respectable position in Google PageRanks.